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Update 08-14-2008: I just finished to read this book, of course on my PRS-505. It's a great book, a must-to-read if you need to be a continuous learner. And if you are in the IT business, of course you need to be. I'm a self-employed, mostly home-based, consultant and developer: the "Manage Focus" chapter is illuminating, and very helpful for trying to enhance the productivity of my work environment. In general the book is perfect for acquiring consciousness of your learning paths and deficiencies, with a lot of good tips for improving yourself. What I bought from the book? At present, I started writing "Morning Pages"; I already have a two monitor desktop, and as a Linux user I'm already used to virtual desktop; limiting "down" time and being conscious of it; caring of distractions; trying a better deliberate reading and acquiring of information.
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